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„Slanttop GS” housing SKU: 0520 Dimensions: Width: 755mm, Height: 1620mm, Weight: 110kg, Depth: 840mm. Our newest cabinet designed in the Slantop style. Two 27” LCD monitors highlight its prestige....
Read more„Imperius” housing SKU: 0230 Dimensions: Width: 600mm, Height: 2030mm, Weight: 90kg, Depth: 590mm. Cabinet made for three displays 24” 16:9. It has unique and solid construction with additional...
Read more„Joker” housing SKU: 0240 Dimensions: Width: 600mm, Height: 2130mm, Weight: 85kg, Depth: 590mm. Cabinet made for three displays 22” 16:9. It has unique and solid construction with additional „start”...
Read more„Spectra” housing SKU: 0250 Dimensions: Width: 755mm, Height: 1620mm, Weight: 110kg, Depth: 840mm. Cabinet made for three displays 22” 16:9. It has unique and solid construction with additional „start”...
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