Phone number

+48 792 510 580

Opening hours

Mon - Fr: 6 am - 2 pm


Contact form

  • Contact form

Are you interested in our offer? Would you like to learn more about the terms of cooperation? Contact us using the contact form and we will go through your inquiry and prepare a preliminary estimate for you. We are also open to having meetings with Customers. They allow us to have an even better understanding of our Customer’s expectations, present the offer in a clear way and propose the best solution.


In your inquiry, indicate which product from our offer you are most interested in. Our website contains a detailed description of Flomar2’s offer for cutting and machining steel. In addition to the description of services, you will also find an offer of ready-made products — examples of completed projects, inspirations and the effects of our work. We are also open to entirely new projects, we enjoy taking on challenges and going beyond the standard.

If you would like to explore the matter of our services even further or see more of our finished projects, include it in your inquiry and we will provide you with the desired materials. Contact us.

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